
Did you know?

Coffee is the World's 2nd largest traded commodity, Surpassed only by curde oil its is the most beloved beverage after water.


Did you know?

Human started drinking coffee as early as the 15th century. The earliest documented prooof of human consuming coffedd comes from Sufi monasteries located in Yemen


Know your coffee

Americano is a type of coffee drink prepared by diluting an espresso with hot water, giving it a similar strength to, but different flavour from , traditionally brewed coffee.


Did you know?

Brazil is the No.1 producer of coffee in the world. It produces 3.6 billion kgs of coffee beans followed by vietnam producing 1.79 billion kgs.


Did you know?

Coffee beans are only called 'beans' because of the resemblence - they are actually berries


Did you know? - Cappuccino

The name 'Cappuccino' was inspired by monks. It was adopted from the clothing that Capuchin monks wore. The Color of Expresso mixed with frothier mil was very similar to the color of their robesThe name 'Cappuccino' was inspired by monks. It was adopted from the clothing that Capuchin monks wore. The Color of Expresso mixed with frothier mil was very similar to the color of their robes


Did you know?

Creme Puff, the Guinness-recognized 'Oldest Cat Ever' drank coffee every day. The owner Jake Perry fed her coffee every morning along with bacon, eggs and broccoli.


Know your coffee

A cappuccino an expresso-based coffee drink that is traditionally prepared with steamed milk foam and its country of origin is Italy.


Did you know? - Mocha

Mocha is based on Expresso an hot milk but with added chocolate flavouring and sweetener in the form of cocoa powder or chocolate syrup.


Did you know? - Espresso

Did you know Espresso means 'pressed out' in italian. It takes roughly Forty-Two coffee beans to make an average serving of Espresso.
